Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I am called to ministry?
Is there a still, small voice saying, ‘check this out?’ – or a loud message that’s been haunting for awhile?  Why not take the next step to see if this is for you.  Ministry is a sacred calling.  It gets clearer when you take action.  Of course, do treatment first!  Then – Explore ministerial training
and find out more about it. You will know if it is right for you.

Do I have to be a Practitioner to begin?
Actually, if you have a bachelor’s degree, it is possible to take some of the distance courses while you are still in training.  Once you are licensed, you can begin formal application to the school of Ministry.

Do I need to live in Florida to be part of this ‘campus’?
Most of our students come from the East of the Mississippi- but, since our classes are virtual, you don’t have to live in or near Florida to be part of our community. We come together twice a year – for a retreat  – so, you’ll have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with other students and faculty at that time. International travel is also easier to the East coast.

How do I apply to the CSL School of Spiritual Leadership?
Make an appointment with our Dean, Rev. Rick McCollum by calling 502-553-2595.  He will discuss the program with you, let you know the current class calendar and review the entrance process.

When can I register for classes and begin?
We are on the quarter system. You can begin classes in any quarter once your application has been approved.   New classes generally begin in September, January, April
and June.

Is there any financial assistance available?
There are a few opportunities for financial assistance. When you talk with the Dean, he will discuss them with you.

Contact email:
Rev. Rick McCollum, Dean  revrick@gocsl.org