Practitioner Continuing Education Units

2024 Practitioner CEU Classes

from the Florida Campus, School of Spiritual Leadership

Contact: Rev. Rick


The Law and Social Activism:

How far can you go in social activism with your church group?

2 hours by Rev. Dr. Anthony Suarez, Esq.

Rev. Dr. Anthony Suarez, Esq.

Rev. Dr. Tony Suarez

This course will explore the line between what the courts describe as the freedom to express your religious beliefs and the right to government to limit this speech with laws that can affect society in general.   We explore the freedom of association, taxpayer support of religious schools, the extent that laws meant for equal administration of laws clash with closely held religious beliefs.  We explore the rights of citizens to express their political views and the privileges held by religious institutions due to their tax exemptions.   Nonpartisan is not the same as nonpolitical.  Citizens do not give up their rights under the first amendment simply because they also organize under a religious institution.   However, limitations on discrimination and the government right to pass “public accommodations laws” may conflict deeply held convictions.



The Importance of Creating Rituals in Life

3 hours         by Rev. Rick McCollum

Rev. Rick McCollum

Rev. Rick
This course combines both discussion and experiential time around creating life affirming rituals.  All of humanity throughout the ages have included rituals which brought connection and meaning to life.  Learn the importance of celebrating the many events of life and how natural it is to create meaningful rituals.  Family members, coworkers, clients, and your spiritual community can all appreciate specific rituals you create to celebrate, honor and even release the energy of life as it moves forward.  Practitioners and Spiritual Leaders can bless their communities by giving the gift of life rituals as a treasure to remember and honor each person who comes to them for guidance.  Spiritual services such as weddings, funerals and baptisms are not the only times rituals are important.  Discover how everyday events can be an opportunity to support individuals with the use of meaningful rituals.



Mindfulness for Today’s World

3 hours        by Rev. M.E. Cassey

Rev. M. E. Cassey

Rev. M.E. Cassey
From theory to practice, this course offers a variety of discussion opportunities as well as experiential time and group sharing.  Learn the many mental and physical benefits a mindfulness practice offers.  Hear about the amazing results people have experienced from using a daily mindfulness practice.  The use of mantras will also be discussed.  Learn how to craft a mantra/affirmation to manifest the life you desire.  Learn techniques to interrupt the “self-talk” that keeps you from living the unlimited and powerful life that Spirit offers.  Developing an accountability partner may be a key element of creating a mindfulness practice that works for you.  This course guides you in creating an individual practice that suits you and your unique situation of living and expressing Spirit.



Creating Meaningful Spiritual Practices

3 hours         by Rev. Rick McCollum

Rev. Rick McCollum

Rev. Rick
This course explores different ideas to create meaningful spiritual practices for deepening our connection to the unconditional love and limitless power of the God of our understanding.  In addition to prayer and meditation, we will discuss other practices and principles that can enhance mindful connection with our Creative Source.  Maybe you want to learn the value of “Carbonated Holiness” to free yourself to live a more meaningful life.  Music, dance, chanting, drumming, affirmations, denials, and breath work are some of the practices that will be discussed in this class.  Discover what brings your spirit to life.  Learn spiritual practices that ignite the passion of living your best life.





More CEU programs will be available later this year.  These programs will begin in May of 2024.  Exact dates and pricing to be determined soon.  If you are interested in registering for any of these classes, please contact Rev. Rick McCollum, Dean, School of Spiritual Leadership, Florida Campus by email = or by phone 502-553-2595. 

We look forward to supporting your spiritual growth in consciousness.  You are a divine and unique expression of Spirit.  We honor you and the light you bring to the world.