
Rev. Rick McCollum – Dean

Rev Rick

Rev. Rick has a passion for teaching Science of Mind and Spiritual Principles. He has been involved in New Thought teachings for over 25 years. “I love helping people tap into that power in the Universe that is greater than them. That power is deep within each of us!” Rev. Rick knows everyone can benefit from developing a personal spiritual practice. Before becoming an ordained minister with Centers for Spiritual Living, Rick was a Registered Nurse. As a nurse, he assisted people to manage different chronic diseases. He experienced the many benefits of mindfulness or meditation with his patients. Rev. Rick has returned to south Florida after serving as Senior Minister for CSL Parker in Parker, Colorado. He has also served as the Spiritual Director for the Louisville Center for Spiritual Living in Louisville, KY. Rev. Rick is now the Dean of the School of Spiritual Leadership, Florida Campus. His passion for teaching SOM is fulfilled to an even greater sense as he works to teach, guide and support Practitioners who are answering the call of Spirit to become a minister. He currently lives in Boca Raton, FL with his husband. Rev. Rick has one adult son, a stepson, stepdaughter and 6 grandchildren.




Rev. Kathryn Knox

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Rev. Kathryn Knox has been a professional teacher, ordained minister, business woman and college executive throughout her career.  As a student of Science of Mind for over 30 years, she received her Religious Science Ordination in 1996.  She has served as Senior Minister in Sun Valley, Idaho; Tulsa, Oklahoma and Tampa, Florida.  Rev. Kathryn also holds a Master of Arts in Teaching and is the past Dean of the School of Spiritual Leadership, Florida Campus.  Rev. Kathryn says: Life is a joy living the Science of Mind philosophy every day!


Rev. Dr. Peggy Hostetler

Peggy Hostetler
Dr. Peggy Hostetler, originally from Ohio, began her career as a computer programmer, software teacher and manager after receiving her B.A. in Mathematics.  She graduated from Ernest Holmes College in Orlando and was immediately called to Oakbrook CSL where she was Senior Minister for over 13 years.  Her retirement was short lived as Dr. Peggy was soon asked to lead the Orlando Center.  She served as a Co-Senior Minister for Greater Orlando CSL for several years.  In February of 2020 Rev. Peggy received her honorary Doctorate from Holmes Institute.  Dr. Peggy has held the position of Regional Support Coordinator for CSL’s Region 9 for five years and served as President of the Interfaith Alliance of Marion County, Florida.  Dr. Peggy has taught at the School of Spiritual Leadership, Florida Campus for many years and enjoys encouraging students to dream big as they step on the path to ministry.



Rev. Dr. Toni LaMotta

Rev. Dr. Toni LaMotta is a keynote speaker, author, and spiritual life coach, supporting people in midlife and beyond to reinvent themselves and celebrate both how to age consciously and the aging of consciousness. Her experience runs the gamut from Catholic nun, to computer programmer, dinner theater actress, entrepreneur, professional speaker, New Thought (Centers for Spiritual Living) Ordained Minister, and spiritual life coach. She is also the author of the bestselling book, What You REALLY Want, Wants You: Uncovering Twelve Qualities You Already Have to Get What You Think Is Missing and the book and course, “Embracing the Aging Process.”   http://www.tonilamotta.com




Rev. TOM (Thomas J.) PITMAN

Rev. Pitman

Rev. TOM (Thomas J.) PITMAN is a Minister of Religious Science, originally licensed by the Centers for Spiritual Living on August 9, 2018, and ordained by the Centers for Spiritual Living on February 1, 2022. He has been a student of New Thought teachings since the age of 14 when he began reading Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and others. He came to Science of Mind in July 2009, becoming first a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner and then entering ministerial school while serving at the Triangle Center for Spiritual Living in Raleigh, NC. His calling is to serve as the spiritual guide, assisting those who wish to heal past traumas to learn to love themselves and others and to be comfortable acknowledging, experiencing, and expressing their emotions rather than suppressing them. He especially is called to work with the synergy between Science of Mind teachings and the spiritual aspects of recovery where he has been a volunteer and sponsor for more than 20 years. He serves as the spiritual director of Fully Free; Fully Alive, a special focus ministry focused on spiritual recovery. Before entering full time ministry, Tom served as Vice President and Corporate Counsel for a sustainable energy company. He also served as a Special Deputy Attorney General with the North Carolina Department of Justice as the Attorney Supervisor of Corrections Section and a volunteer with the North Carolina Lawyer Assistance Program. He is a former Colonel in the United States Marine Corps, having retired from the Staff Judge Advocate’s Office of the United States Marine Corps Forces Atlantic. He received a B.S. Degree from the United States Naval Academy, a M.S. in Administration Degree from Pepperdine University, a J.D. Degree from Wake Forest University School of Law, and a M.A. Degree in Consciousness Studies from the Holmes Institute.